Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ricker Abruptly Resigns from Citizens

Bob Ricker -- he of the "Ministry of Truth" at Citizens Property Insurance -- has resigned effective "immediately," Paige St. John is reporting late Tuesday.

The Citizens governing board 'accepted' his resignation at "special teleconference meeting this morning."

Why resign? Why now? Why in such an abrupt manner? Why at a time when the hurricane season is nearly -- but not quite -- over?

For public consumption, Ricker is claiming "exhaustion" and "the toll that running the state's largest property insurance company has had on his family." Ricker also "has no immediate plans." So says Citizens' P.R. flack, Rocky Scott, who also says "the unbidden resignation is unrelated to Attorney General Charlie Crist's recent attack on Citizens for failing to respond to consumers."

Yeah, we believe that. Surrrrrre.

No doubt, if Scott were to be asked before the next shoe drops, he'd also try to tell us that Ricker's abrupt departure is unrelated to the grand jury investigation announced late last year and to the other ethical and legal mysteries at Citizens Property Insurance.

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