Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wise Words For Beach Locals

Look to the right on our main page and after scrolling down to "Current Area Weather" you'll see a link to Dereck Ortt's hurricane 'blog', sponsored by the Pensacola News Journal. Ortt is a University of Miami graduate student specializing in marine and atmospheric sciences.

His blog provides succinct and reliable tropical storm updates when events warrant. Last night, after seeing the first indications of a possible Louisiana landfall, he had this highly relevant observation to share with local coastal residents:
"It is very important to remember that a hurricane is not a point. If this track holds, there would be nearly complete destruction for the Mississippi and Alabama coasts as well, as well as tidal surges higher than those experienced in Hurricane Georges for the Pensacola area, because this is expected to make landfall as a category 4 hurricane, while Georges was a category 2 hurricane at landfall.

Please take this hurricane seriously if you live along the northern Gulf Coast.
Metaphorically, we are still in Nature's soup bowl. Just a bit nearer the edge.

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