Friday, January 30, 2009

Wacko Pensacola

Travis Griggs writes in today's Pensacola News Jumble that the U.S. Justice Department will be investigating the Escambia County Sheriff's Office and Jail for "use of excessive force" and failure to provide "adequate medical care, mental health care, protection from violence and sanitation conditions." Three arrestees, including a guy who claimed to be Jesus, died 'mysteriously' in recent years after being shocked with taser guns by deputies.

Quote of the day goes to newly elected sheriff David Morgan:
Morgan said a "lack of oversight" by the previous administration may have caused a lack of "training for our officers to recognize and identify mental illnesses."
Only in Pensacola could a cop not figure out that a suspect who claims he is Jesus might be crazy.

Dept. of Amplification
1-30 am
Not just Pensacola, apparently. Digby points out that Orlando cops also need training to tell if a guy who rubs feces over his body, hears voices, and then paralyzes himself by banging his head against a wall needs psychiatric help -- or just another tazing.

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