Thursday, September 25, 2008

Heard Around Town - Financial Panic Edition

Pensacola area people are talking. Here are some of the remarks we've overheard this week.
(Middle-aged wife to husband, while standing in line at the grocery store ): "Be sure to get lots of cash for the weekend. They always close banks on Friday."

(Shop owner): "Business dropped off a cliff in April. I would sell but I'm not sure there are any buyers out there."

(Woman friend, discussing the bailout bill): "To hell with that. They ought to make everyone who voted for Bush pay for it."

(Young lawyer acquaintance, on the phone): "I registered for a seminar in bankruptcy. It looks like that's where the business will be."

(Stranger at gas pump): "My grandmother went through the Depression. I wish I'd listened to her more closely."

(Escambia County process server): "It's terrible out there. So many people!"

(Woman): "It's going to be the Depression all over again. Bank failures, locusts, no potatoes."


Derek Cosson said...

"Bank failures, locusts, no potatoes."

I love that.

Anonymous said...

Potatoes... I spit my coffee all over the screen.