Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's Gustav Excuse

So compelling was Barack Obama's acceptance speech last night (and so terrible a public speaker is John McCain) that the Republicans actually are thinking of postponing their Twin Cities convention next week.

But, oh please! They're trying to blame it on Gustav.

Normally, postponing travel and hotel reservations for several thousand convention-goers in a city booked to the max with other events would be a non-starter. But this year a lot of prominent GOP politicians, from Dick Cheney to criminal defendant/Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, already have declared they don't want to be seen at their party's party.

Simply google "won't attend GOP convention" and you'll get 179,000+ hits. Republican politicians up for reelection have been running away from their own party, and the Twin Cities, for months. Weather has nothing to do with it.

Here's our guess: The G.O.P. convention will go forward as planned, but Gustav will be used as an excuse to keep Bush away so that McCain can't be depicted umm... ahhh... obscenely hugging him yet again.

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