Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Your Everclear Evening Fay Report

Fay has been meandering for the past several hours but it began to drift northward in the past hour or so. The mid-level ridge developing north of Fay is already blocking its northward progression and Fay should soon begin to move very slowly toward the northwest and the west-northwest. The most significant issue regarding the slow motion is that Fay will likely continue to dump torrential rains along its path...and will probably be remembered as a very wet storm. The turn to the Northwest and West-Northwest keeping Fay over land is consistent with most of the global models and tropical cyclone track guidance.
Bottom line: Tropical Storm Fay is slowly heading for the general Pensacola area, or maybe a bit north or south of that. It might, but probably won't, strengthen and blow us away. But it could give us a heavy drenching, or maybe not.

Isn't weather science fun?

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